23 June 2011

My Happy Place

Image taken from Ria Hills Pastel Paintings

We've also been spending a lot of time with the paints recently.  Scratch that.  I've been spending a lot of time with the paints.  I need it so badly.  Painting is my happy place; sketching, drawing, painting - they're all interchangeable.  I haven't picked up my pencils or brushes since a while before J. was born and my subconscious being has been positively pining for them.  Art is to me what cigarettes are to a smoker, except in a very healthy and enriching sense.

A long time ago, I used to paint a lot.  I would take a little sketchbook everywhere with me just in case something neat popped up.  Those were days where I filled up sketchbooks without a thought for tomorrow.  They were good days.  I remember being excited at the mere prospect of going to the local art store, not to mention actually buying something!  It was always a good day when I picked up a package of creamy pastels, or soft charcol.

Image taken from Alice Cantrell at A Number of Things

Image taken from Alice Cantrell at A Number of Things
 So here I am; going back to my passion, my happy place.  Remembering that life is not all about clean floors and folded laundry, I hope to be found sitting and drawing often this summer, especially when the weather and nature are so inspirational!

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