Not much to say right now, though plenty is going on. We're busy living life, and I can't yet find the time to jot it all down. M took his first ride on the GO train a couple weeks back and I've been dying to share the experience to no avail. J is starting to talk and her first real word was "caca" (poop). I know. What was I thinking?! Now she wanders around the place, going from item to item, saying "caca" to everything. It's fantastic. Especially when we're visiting people.
We went to Mill Pond the other day to feed the birds. Just a few crumbs of dried bread crusts that I saved. M had a good time. He almost fell into the pond at one point trying to get those bread crusts as close to the birds as possible. It was a really nice walk. Up and down the boardwalks with the kids imitating the ducks and geese. D and I just soaked up the kids' attention and basked in the warmth of their little sticky kisses. (Point to ponder: Strawberries actually do make for sticky kisses.)
I've been thinking about a pretty profound quote today. It kind of sums up a lot of those incidences in my life where things haven't happened the way I've wanted, but yet everything worked out in the end.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways are not your ways, says the LORD."
Isaiah 55:8
For example, right now I'm thinking, "Why can't my kids be a teensy bit older and more independant so that I can have time to write in my blog, or finish my watercolour painting, or get started on that baby blanket!?" This is an easy one though, because I know deep down that they will grow up sooner than I really want. Right now, this is exactly where I'm supposed to be.
Trust no future, howe'er pleasant!
Let the dead past bury its dead!
Act, - act in the living Present!
Heart within and God o'erhead.
(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Psalm of Life)
I love that her first word was poop. :D