They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Given how neglectful I've been of this space, I figure these photos will do a better job than my words.
In case you don't know, homemade raw butter is a real treat! The kids love making butter from the spring and summer milk. It's so vibrant (almost neon!) compared to the winter milk. Sorry my photo is too dark to tell. Anyhow, very cool. And delicious!
Since summer has begun, we have been adjusting to new routines. I do prefer the times where we are all together, working, playing, discovering and just being alongside each other. However, this year has been harder adjusting than I remember. I seem to have a hard time putting my foot down and actively creating order and respect. This is a bit of an adjustment for me, but we are making progress.

Our summer routine is rooted in home life. Thanks to some advice from a dear friend, I have recently changed the rhythm of our mornings. We start our day with prayer, then breakfast. Breakfast is a family affair where we all prepare breakfast, set the table and then sit down to eat. I started reading the Prologue to the children during breakfast - it keeps them from squabbling and we learn about the lives of the saints for each day. This is a great blessing. They love hearing the lives of the saints - each has several favourites they regularly demand to hear! I must say though that D does the best Bible stories. What can I say? He has a gift!
After breakfast, we clean up. Someone washes the dishes, another washes and wipes the table, another . Then we start our work for the day. Each day has its own work- usually it includes at least one chore for each person. I anticipate at least another couple of weeks before the routine solidifies for us all. (Fingers crossed!)
M has developed allergies - he was quite miserable this past May. Thankfully, the past few weeks have been much better. I hope I'm not speaking too soon though, because this morning he was complaining that his eyes were bothering him again. :(
On the long weekend we picked peas at a local farm with some family and friends. That's always a favourite activity with the kids. Afterwards we went for a walk in old Unionville and then ice cream at the Old Firehall Confectionary. It was S's birthday that weekend too, so now we have a 3 year old at home. We got her a balance bike and I managed to finish her a messenger bag. (She was long overdue...) We were skeptical that she would get anything out of it, but I have to say that bike gets a ton of use. Everywhere we go, the bike comes. I have to say it was the best investment we've made this summer! :)
Of course, can't forget about the Toronto FC game this kids got to attend! This is about the only shot I got. We got so into the game that I forgot about the camera. It was great! (Yes, Sophia the doll comes everywhere with us.)
That was a cake I made last month. A cream cheese stuffed banana chocolate chip coffee cake. It's as good as it sounds. And filling enough that one slice was enough for me. Here is the recipe. (You're welcome!)
I wish you a sunny weekend!
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