18 May 2011

Handmade Monograms

J. wouldn't let me take a nap today.  So what's a tired mom to do?  I browsed the DIY section of Design Sponge and ended up finding a brilliant way to monogram paper!  Very, very cool for people like me who prefer old fashioned "snail mail" to email. 

On a somewhat related note, does anyone else detest the new "techno-slang" popping up everywhere (ie: "ttyl", etc.)?  I mean, come ON!  It's practically an abomination to the English language.  And this in addition to the street-slang we've adopted.  Ok, I admit I've used my share of "lol"s (laugh out louds), but I'm trying to cut back.  I feel it's like an unhealthy addiction.  Maybe it's not that bad, but seriously, I don't want to be around for the generation that loses the ability to craft beautiful handwritten letters.  This particular project has inspired me to do a little more writing and a little less typing. 

Image taken from Brenna Berger at Design*Sponge

Anyhow, receiving a letter in the mail ranks right up there with earl grey tea, finding a great book, and the smell of fresh baked bread straight from the oven.  Call me old-fashioned, but it makes my day writing a letter just as much as reading one too!  I think I'll make some monogrammed stationary sets for some friends as Christmas gifts.  (Never too early to start on Christmas gifts!)  :o)

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