19 August 2013


My head is so full of plans and ideas these days that I often forget to take my keys with me when I go out.  Seriously, this head of mine is all over the map.  It would be so convenient to just take an internal snapshot and show it around when asked, "So, what's up?"  The usual answer: nothing much.  Too much hassle to explain it all.  Besides,  most of the time my brain resembles Swiss cheese, so I can't imagine forming coherent conversations to begin with.  It's all a hazy, colourful mess up there!

Incidentally, we baptized the baby this past week.  All last minute and very cozy.  Kind of indicative of where we are right now - spontaneous and messy.  The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that "messy" is the perfect adjective to describe life at this moment.  So for anyone who wonders what life is like with 3 young'ins, the answer is: messy.

With berry season done, we have turned our heads to peaches.  Between you and I, I am REALLY looking forward to the fall fruits and veggies.  Apples, pumpkin, squash.  I've never made pumpkin butter and I aim to try if I can.  That is, of course, after we tackle cheese.  I have decided that for someone who loves cheese as much as I do, it's about time I learned how to make it.  The kids are all enthusiastic enough to try anything, so it's settled.  Cheese first.  Everything else shall follow accordingly.  Speaking of making things, there's this fantastic book by Alana Chernila, The Homemade Pantry.  It's a must read!  Incidentally, she has a simple and lovely recipe for mozzarella cheese within said pages...

My parting thought, and something I think about often: M. is starting school this September.  This mama is not looking forward to it.  Such a little boy.  He is my first baby.  I can't imagine parting with him for that long each day.  He is my helper, my story-teller, my calligrapher, my soldier-king-dinosaur, my fort-builder, my teaser... my son.  My little son, where did all our time go?  When did you turn 4?  Soon you will be itching to get away from me instead of being practically attached to my hip.  Soon you will grow up and "be a man" like you always tell me.  And then, I will miss these small days of innocent childhood.  


  1. Have you considered schooling at home? You strike me as a home school mama....just wondering if you have considered that?
    Catherine in KS

    1. Hey Catherine, thanks for your visit! Yeah, we have totally considered home schooling our kids. It's a conversation that comes up pretty regularly actually as we evaluate and reevaluate from time to time. It has been a hard decision, especially for me, to send our son to school. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages both ways. It is something that I am very much open to and perhaps it will happen in the future. For now, we are satisfied with our decision.

      And as you said, I feel like a home school mama regardless. The kids and I work together regularly on "school" and practical life work. We use a Montessori-based ideology, but modified to fit our needs. I hope that will never change no matter where they are.

      Anyhow, thanks for your comment! :)
