It is spring and the warm weather is upon us. But that hasn't stopped my crocheting hook from itching. I am working on a hat for Mr. M who has outgrown the last one. It will be a dragon hat. I think. I'm not sure yet as I'm still developing the pattern, so it's a work-as-I-go situation. I am pondering whether or not to give him ears. And horns maybe. Do dragons have ears?
Since I've been mulling over this point as well as pulling out rows here and there as I go, it won't be finished as soon as I'd like. Patience. Patience is not my strong suit. Strangely enough, I am thankful for opportunities to practice it.
I suppose once it gets very hot, all things woolly will fall by the wayside. (To be picked up again in the Fall with cooler times of course!) Speaking of hot, today is just that! We went out to water our little garden and were greeted by radish shoots. Radishes are the most rewarding crop to grow for little ones. They sprout quickly and (so I'm told) should be ready before the end of June. Little ones like fast results... at least mine do. It kind of revives their faith in the other empty pots. :o)
With all this activity, blooming and verdant life, it seems strange to find death still comes alongside it. My uncle passed away last week. It is sad to say goodbye to the last of a whole generation. These moments remind me of my own mortality and the shortness of time allotted to me. What shall I do with my portion? How shall I live? What will I choose to leave behind?
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